I was gifted SO MUCH white chocolate...any help in finding ways to use it up would be so appreciated!

Bonus points for recipes that hold well and are easily shared!

Read also:

Bananas ripe enough?

1st time attempting to make Banana bread and was curious if these bananas are ripe enough, or if I should wait another day? Any shoulda/coulda/woulda advice for a total noob? TIA


what’s wrong with my cookie??

I made a batch of cookies for my friend’s birthday party tomorrow, and decided to do a test first. I set the oven at 175c/350f, and kept the cookie there for 11 minutes. Unfortunately the cookie didn’t bake at all, it’s still gooey like cookie batter, and for some reason all the oil from the butter has separated. What did I do wrong?? is there still a way to salvage the rest of the batch? it’s all there waiting in the fridge.


I made this cake with buttercream frosting for my nephews bday, 1st time making a decorated cake like this. Not being served until tomorrow evening, temperature in my house is like 24°C. Do I store in fridge or at room temp?


Blueberry Muffins

Line muffin tin with papers, preheat oven to 400*F. 1 3/4 C. Flour, 3 tsp. Baking Powder, 1/2 tsp. Salt. Stir together in a large bowl. 1/4 C. Butter, 1/2 C. Sugar, 1Egg, 3/4 C. Milk, 1tsp. Vanilla. In another bowl, beat butter and sugar for 3 minutes. Beat in egg until quite smooth. Stir in milk and vanilla. Pour into dry ingredients. Stir only to moisten (batter will be lumpy) 1C. Blueberries, 1Tblsp. Flour. Stir lightly. Then carefully fold into batter. Divide batter into muffin papers. Bake 20-25 minutes until nicely browned.


First time making 3D cake. Baby shark



I want to know the best kind of cookie/biscuit recipe to use with detailed cutters, I have the ones pictured on this post, but the picture it's self is from the website I got them from.


Did the best I could with what I had 😂 Skyrim Sweetrolls


My mother's Miele oven just exploded, just seconds earlier she was looking in to check on the food


What a let down

Made my salted brown butter chocolate chip cookies took one but and realized I forgot the @&$&$ SALT!!


German chocolate cake for a special someone
