Kherson Motanka by Stanislav Lunin

Read also:

Space Ukraine. Oil on canvas, 2021


Today, September 1st, on Ukraine's nationwide Knowledge Day, 500 Ukrainian children will never again sit at their desks, and thousands will never be brought to school by their parents. Russia killed them for the sake of temporarily occupying Ukrainian territories.


I was super excited to get this tattoo!


unknown signature

found this two towers book (voyager classics?) that is signed twice, it was pre owned so i really dont know who's signatures they r ,please help


The Battle of The Eyebrows. Who Would Win?


The Battle of the Pelennor Fields is my favorite scene from Peter Jackson's LOTR


Wanna get it right

I’ve seen a previous post about wanting to get the “I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are evil” as a tattoo. I want to do it in elvish and just want to make sure everything is correct ( as this will be permanent lol). This is what I’ve come up with, any help would be greatly appreciated


Had Sauron made a mistake in not tracking Gollum strategically ? He could have tasked the Nine for they would be a far more proficient in not losing Gollum. Was that just another intentional move of Sauron ?


If they do a remake of LOTR, as dammed as it'll be, they'll need Mike Meyers for Tom Bombadil


Amazon threw out a new pair of shoes box, and replaced it with another one cause it was “damaged” 🤔

Am i the only one thinking this is odd? I dont care that the box was damaged.
