Attached to front of my house, about 1 ft tall, steel, does not move, no markings

Read also:

Metal cone thingy found in small town Idaho museum

This object lives at the Bingham County Historical Museum, which is in Blackfoot, Idaho. It’s approximately 2 feet tall and made of metal. The curator said she has no idea what it is, but would love to know!


PA6-GF30 plastic flange with ball-and-post mount for clamping a rod?


Metal rod with clips on the end… found on the back of the front door while moving into a new house


Irony metal “pestle” found outside—is it a metalworking tool?


Found in a recently purchased house. Red tube like object with a twist handle at top. Looks fairly old.


What is this silver ball on my ceiling?


Glass 'jar' with a ring of holes around the base, about 20cm round and looks to be handmade but no idea what it is for!


Small plastic piece, length of a pinky, the red part is flexible like a plastic flag. White part has one sticky side. Fell out of a window when we opened it.


Double handle wood and metal post tool, what is it?


Just bought a house, found this hidden inside the front bushes. Screws in a wooden ball, looks like a mace. What was/is this used for?

I have only been living here less than a month. Previous owner was in his 90's and moved out to receive care from a family member. Quiet neighborhood. Eastern Canada. Anything helps!
