Mother 3 on cops

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NO!!! They made gamer diapers for a reason !!


Most normal ATLUS enjoyer


How the turntables......


Starfield has gone woke....


Large metal frame structure in the Czech woods next to a hiking trail (base is approximately 1,5, x 3 m (5 ft x 10 ft)


What is this hole we found under the carpet?

We were having a new carpet fitted today and when the workmen pulled up the old one, they found this hole. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it is? The guys theorised on it being someone’s secret hiding place for…who knows what. The house is old - built in the late 1800s. It has a basement but the room below this one is bricked up so I can’t check if it’s connected to anything down there. It’s not too deep, maybe about 30-50cm? I didn’t have much of a chance to investigate it because the guys had to cover it up so they could put the new carpet in.


What is this brown glass thing found on Caribbean beach? Adjacent item for size reference


4ft tower-like shelving with wood and wire slots. Only six inches across. No brand markings TIA


What is this marker on the highway?


White round plastic disc that says “for travel use only”

It says “for travel use only” and “do not discard”
