Just one more reason this is a dangerous job

Read also:

Not like they will actually do it

Got this in my email today lol


Finally, they're doing something about this


Attn: DD app development team

This was a grocery store pick up that was offered to me at $7.25 for four items. I don’t know why this always happens with grocery store, pick ups where the grocery store can’t relay, the correct number of items to Doordash. I am no computer science major but I feel like it shouldn’t be that hard for the store to transmit the correct number of items to the DoorDash app. I feel this is bait material and I can’t imagine if I was an elderly man who couldn’t lift all of this. And then we get penalized if we decide to drop the order because it was misleading with the amount of items. I really hope Doordash gets sued for this type of behavior.


Doordash is giving me One Stars for not Dashing during the week...

So I used to Dash 7 days a week at least 8 hours a day. A couple of weeks ago I started school to become a truck driver. So now I dash Friday through Sunday. I usually do $200 a day. Well 2 weeks in a row after taking the week off I notice when I start a new dash I have a new One star rating. So the following week I log on to the app during the week to check. No new one star. So today I log on and start the dash and it appears. WTF? I called and we'll you already know how tgat went.. Anyone else have this happen to them?


Too late, goofies

Got a job doing construction and having so much fuck + making consistent good money.


They reset my acceptance rate?

My acceptance was just below 50% because I was only getting bad to mediocre orders but they sent me a heated bag, a red card, and reset my acceptance rate. Let’s see if I start getting better offers. This happen to anyone else and if it did, how’d the offers go for you?


I wanna hit that send button soooo bad.


I'm getting sick of getting offered orders from a town that should be in it's own market but isn't for some reason...


Just received this email. Is resetting your acceptance rate worth it?

For reference, I just got back into dashing after a couple years. My account was left off with a 4.9 star rating and < 40% acceptance rate. I’ve been getting consistently shitty orders past couple weeks and dinner shift is surprisingly dead at times. Does a reset actually help you out


Believe it or not, this is the best offer I've received today...
