Gonna Work

Read also:

what? Is this and do you have it?


Kitty in the car


It’s good to be king…

Found on the sidewalk, would’ve kept it but it had water damage…


Kind of weird when the crab cake has no crab meat in it




Somebody dumped this beside my car when I got home with my son

I got home from Wendy’s with my son. I passed this woman walking on the road right before my house. When I parked my car and got out she said sorry I made an accident and didn’t want anybody to step in it. This was weird because she literally just walked to the side of my car when I got out so there was no time for an “accident.” When I went around to look at what it was there was a pile of what looks like wood chips? This seemed weird because idk who would be walking around carrying that. I took my son inside and went back to investigate and there was nothing underneath the pile. Also nowhere else had this pile, it was just by my car. The whole experience seemed odd.




Portia Potty


The most weird and insane beautiful moon this night. Normally it’s totally dark at this time 🌕 ( 02.3


Found a pile of rooster heads at a scenic turnout

Stopped to take in the view of Kittitas county and saw this pile of rooster heads. I counted about 10 heads, there was also an empty container of salt, two dropped eggs, and suspicious tinfoil.
