What is wrong with my cat?

He’s had a bump on his nose for a while, I thought it was just a bald patch but now it’s bloody. What is this??(also I’m not choking him, I just held his face so I could get a pic)

Read also:

My cays eyes are puffy and wont stop watering. Should i be worried or is it just allergies?


My cat’s been lethargic, not eating, and had diarrhea today. This was in his puke, not sure if worm or something else to be concerned about?

It wasn’t moving


Taking an evening walk and found this beauty! Idk the gender, but they look pregnant, but they could just be fat lol. Anything I can do to help them?

They also were very friendly. They didn’t react much to my touch and settled down next to me.


Small worms everywhere my cat lies, going to take to vet soon but curious to what these are so I can help sooner


Rehomed cat

How can I help him adjust? I have one other cat, and I'm keeping her separate from him right now. He seems pretty skittish, and has spent most of his time hiding behind the couch. He's about a year old, and my other cat is the same age. We got her as a kitten, and I wasn't here for most the the adjustment period so I'm a little stuck about what I can do to help him adjust


How to help newly adopted stay feel less on edge around my dog?

This week (after taking him to the vet for vaccines and to check for a chip that wasn't there) I adopted this stray that's been hanging around my house for a couple months. He is incredibly sweet, but very nervous around my 25 lbs dog. My dog has never met a cat, but he has been mainly uninterested. The cat however is very nervous around the dog so I've been keeping my dog in the gated off kitchen and my new cat in the living room. Cat will occasionally walk by the gate to hiss but keeps on going. I don't force any interaction. Any advice on how to help the cat feel as comfortable and safe as possible in this transition/introduction? This is my first cat so idk what I'm doing here.


What kind of cat is this stanky cat?


Day 10 post spay, does this look okay?


isn't she lovely?


This mango is a unit, well over a pound of flesh
