10/10 amazing game

I know there are certain things they can upgrade in the game but overall the good easily outweighs the bad. 10/10 I’m in a sports bar on Mars today 🥳

Read also:

Ready for Departure


My spaceships pet rock

Asteroid that follows my ship around no matter where we go. At first I was annoyed, but now we have a bond that can't be broken


Anyone got any tips on making this


Somethings never change.


A brand new disappointment... 25 years in the making


Not a bad pairing these two

I was looking for a stand to go with the Starfield Controller but this will do for now .. maybe I'll do a small starfield emblem to put on the suit and paint it a bit to look weathered.


Anything I can do to take care of this wound while waiting on vet appointment?

I noticed a small wound on her upper lip. It doesn't seem to bother her but Monday evening is the soonest I could get an appointment with our vet. Anything I can/should do in the meantime?


What is this bump on my dogs head?

A little worried at what this might be? Any input appreciated. She doesent seem to be in pain when I lightly touch it. And she still runs around with a lot of energy. Should I take her to the vet? She’s 11 years old


The struggle is real


Am I reading too deep into this?
