Break in hours… ✔️

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High visibility


Ewe keeps escaping eletric fencing. Has taught her lambs behaviour.

She is the only one that escapes and has now taught her twins. Anything else I can try besides using the collar? I’m being super careful and have added house pipe to avoid her tangling herself with the rope. Will this actually ever teach her to not leave the temporary paddock or should I be trying to sell her right away. Thank you.


They are grouchy in the morning


Doesn’t get any better

Morning view from the second bench on our property. What a gift.


Talk to me about honeysuckle

We recently bought our dream property in rural Missouri. It’s 10 acres on a sheer ridge line with limestone bedrock very close to the surface. It’s not easily arable, so the forest was never cleared. Consequently, the property is dotted with centuries-old burr oaks and many grand hickories. The forest here obviously used to burn with some regularity. Our long term goals for the property are pretty modest: large garden, possibly goats and chickens, all things we’ve done before and are confident we can do again. First and foremost though, we want the old forest to flourish. Unfortunately, the old owners liked their “green buffer” and our grand old trees are absolutely choked by invasive bush honeysuckle. Does anyone have insights on the best way to knock it back? I know honeysuckle control is usually a matter of “chop and herbicide,” but 10 acres of it? Is the best method just to get a brush trimmer and get after it? And then do that every year until it dies?


Pre Seasoning Our Beef


Trying mushroom totems. Any advice?


Conferance pears: what is a good rule of thumb to know if they are ripe?


Drought Corn


Jimmy Buffet relaxing on his boat in 1975
