Mommy’s little boy Avante

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This is a picture of my sweet boy Basil. I think he hurt himself with a tuppaware container I was using as a water bowl (already bought a new one lol.) he was messing with it and throwing it around and then afterwards I realized he had a new scab on his nose. Now, the issue is, I cannot take him to the vet. This literally could not be timed worse. My grandfather died this morning and half of my family is leaving the country for two weeks to sort everything out and be there for the funeral and mourning with our family who lived with him still. We have no money because they got all their plane tickets today, and we are already in financial stress (we’ve never been rich or upper middle class but we usually have enough for us and our pets and the lifestyles we have all together.) What can I do to keep this clean until I can figure something out? Is it as serious as I’m freaking out for LOL? I cleaned it with a q tip and water and he flinched at first but after that was chillin. I gave him extra food and treats today and I keep checking in on him and I’m gonna clean it again tonight. After each clean I put A&D(AnD? Idk) on it


Anyone experience bonding a single rabbit into an already bonded pair?

Hi! Im looking for specific advice from people who have gone through this before, not just general bonding advice as I've done it before. So I have a pair (white 7 yo male, cinnamon 3 yo female) thats been bonded for a couple years. Earlier this year I adopted another single rabbit (black 1 yo female). They've all been sharing a bedroom in my house with an xpen to split the space, so are very used to seeing and smelling each other. I finally decided to start bonding them and its going okay so far like in the picture! Mostly positive, but I can't seem to progress from a bathtub size space without the females having problems. Often, it will be the male snuggling one while the other is alone instead of all together. And the single female won't share the litterbox with the other girl unless I put them together. Any tips on how to encourage their bonding? Or is it really just time and patience?


He turned into an angry egg


striking a pose for the camera


What is she annoyed about?


Rabbit's things

How did he get in there? And what is he doing??


Cera's vibes are contagious


Forbidden belly


Penny hanging out in the living room


Willow's suddenly interested in the carpet... any suggestions?

It took her three months to learn she apparently enjoys the taste of carpet. Not only am I worried about her ingesting it, but this is also a rental (granted the previous tenant's cat did numbers on it before we even set foot here). I have a snuffle mat and a rug I'm trying to redirect her to, as well as a little ball pit, but she just won't leave the carpet alone...
