Frenetic flying bugs in Pacific Northwest

Could someone please identify this bug for me? They are everywhere all of the sudden on the beach in the evening in the Pacific Northwest. Guesses among are group include flying ants and termites.

Read also:

I've never seen one in person before, is this a weevil??

I feel like all the posts about them on this sub has summoned him in my home. I safely relocated this little fella outside.


What kind of spider is this. I live in the northwest of the USA

Sorry for the bad picture. He wasn’t super photogenic. It has a large butt that is orangish red and 2 horns on its butt.


What is this?! Philadelphia, PA.


What is this??? Upstate NY

I thought it was a caterpillar at first glance but it moved more like a centipede 🫣


Can someone tell me what bug this is?


What is this bug?

This flew at us and landed on our towel at a beach in Southern California.


Big bug flying around tent and buzzing?

What is this?? We are in Boydton, VA by a reservoir


Curious what this little guy is?

He got a wild ride at 75mph down the freeway.


Crawling across my desk

It's a little squished, but can anyone tell me how much trouble I'm in? (Ohio)


This fellow landed on me in new apartment. Not proud, but I smacked him out of instinct. What is he?
