Do your work people!

Found this arachnid in Northern New Mexico when I walked through his surprisingly strong web. Can anyone identify?

Read also:

What type of spider is this?

Found this while hiking in western Utah. The body was about 3.5cm long and 1.5cm wide.


Giant horsefly/cicada lookalike?

This guy landed on my car in South Carolina and looks like a giant horsefly with cicada wings. About 2 inches long I would guess. Anyone know what he might be?


What is this bug and why is it covered in smaller bugs (NE Wisconsin)


Should I visit my Optometrist?


Sorry for the terrible picture. This is the best I could do before this bastard charged me.


Tiny white bug on painting table

Seen three crawling around and the more I look the more I find


Is this a Wolfie?

And what should I name it? It's in my garage so if it's a wolf it can stay


Yall what bit me??? (gross pic of bite)

Its like purple and has a divet and im really worried. i havent got any symptoms besides itching and it showed up like a week ago. does anyone know what mightve bit me???


What bit me?

This has been on my thigh for like 3 days now, and I was wondering if anyone knew what might of bit me. I don’t think it was an ant tbh.


Is this a mosquito or something else?

It’s around 0.5” or 14mm long. I’m in Utah County, UT.
