Went for a scooter ride came back with this hitchhiker

Read also:

Found this friend here on my shower curtain, what’s their name?

Lighting is bad sorry, my phone was at 1% so I couldn’t use flash.


Spider in Los Angeles

About a nickel or quarter in size when spread out.


Help these are everywhere


Which kind is?

We recently moved to a new apartment and we found a few of this. How would be the best way to deal with them? Thanks!


What spider is this? (Colorado)


This bug assaulted me while I was changing (Canada BC)

I came home after work and started changing. I leave my window open usually and moths mostly come and go so it's usually no bother. While I was changing this little guy came out of the woodwork and started zooming around me and going on me. I couldn't see what it was so I smacked it out of existence. Is this some moth that just was curious or something?


Found waddlin around on the beach up in Humboldt county. Some sort of crustacean?


San Jose, CA - a dozen of these suddenly appeared at night, not sure what it is


Found in the Poconos, PA


What is this? I have seen a bunch but this is definitely the biggest I’ve seen - Chicago, Illinois 9/2/23
