Since he's a multi-billionaire, I'm sure the investors will get all their money back.

Read also:

Trump’s new book …


Instagram won't let me comment "Imprison traitor Trump for sedition, insurrection and treason!!!"


Windmill Farm must recognize the United Farm Workers union! Solidarity with the brave workers who are organizing ❤️

LA times story on the appalling conditions the farm workers at Windmill Farm under: Also related to the struggle of farm workers: OSHA must establish a permanent heat standard that provides workers access to shade, water, & paid rest breaks: >“Farm workers are at the frontlines of climate change as extreme heat continues to expose them to more danger,” said UFW Foundation Chief Executive Officer Diana Tellefson Torres. “We must prevent heat-related deaths and we can do so by establishing a permanent heat standard that provides workers access to shade, paid rest breaks, training, and water. The UFW Foundation demands OSHA establish a permanent heat standard so that farm workers and other outside workers can have a safe work environment.”


"Billionaires...Don't Have A Right To Exist"


The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr and hasn’t been raised in 14 years.


That's nice, Ford. Now give them a fair deal before they all go on STRIKE.


The way the pattern in this head of cabbage spirals out


My senior cat is starting to show his age.The constant disheveled look is a good indicator. She's 13 now.


2 years ago today we had to let our old man Azraël go (17 at the time)

Here he is on his last day with us. Hardest decision we ever had to make


Another pic of Artemis (12)

I love the little smile I captured here!
