Why are my cats so bloody fussy?

I love these babies to bits, but honestly! They're favourite wet food is Nulo freestyle yellowfin tuna. They love the tuna, they love the broth, but will they eat it mixed together? Absolutely not. We have to squeeze the broth into one bowl and put the dry tuna into another bowl, or they won't eat it! They happily lick up the broth and eat the tuna but only separately. It's such a hassle! But if we don't do it that way, one of them tries to bury it like it's actual faeces...I just can't.

Read also:

Said hello to a ridiculously pretty cat on a walk


This is Meow Meow's pose saying come pet me with the damn brush.


Sunday morning mood


Little unique things that your cat does that make you ticklish inside?

My boy lets me big spoon him often. Nothing better than me waking up, seeing him on the side of my bed, reaching over to spoon him, and being met with purrs and his soft fur and warmth! He also makes the funniest noise when I blow bubbles or I’m about to throw a toy; his usual mrrr but elevated at the end so it sounds like “Mrrr?” And he follows me to every room like he’s my magical familiar or something.



Been cat sitting. It will be sad to say goodbye in a few days. Love these 2!


What could this be?

Sorry for the bad picture! Asking what kind of wound could this be? It's on her left back leg. Got two kittens not too long ago (non strays) and I'm quite anxious about this. She's been eating fine, regularly active and affectionate.


Newest member of our family


Treadmill is the new favorited spot


Her little paws


Me and the sweet girl I rescued a month ago off the street. I named her cutie patootie. She’s on five meds and let’s me coddle her like a baby 🩷
