Took my cat to the ER vet.
My cat has stopped eating and drinking water since late Thursday. Stopped using litter box that day as well. Was repeatedly throwing up that day and continued well into Friday. We took him to the vet early morning yesterday. They gave him subcutaneous fluids to help with dehydration. Also got x rays done to see if there was an obstruction in his bowels. No obstruction in his urinary tract. X rays came back clear according to radiologist. We have been giving him the prescribed medicine sucralfate every 12 hours. He hates it but he also isn’t throwing it up. We also received medicine to help with nausea and vomiting that we will start giving it to him today. He threw up a small amount yesterday but hasn’t since. We still have not seen him eat or drink water and every time we try to force feed him he does not want to. He has used the litter twice since his emergency vet visit, both times to pee but did not cover it up. His mood has dropped a lot since Thursday. Just lays down and sleeps. Any advice please, words of comfort. I think I’m losing my boy..