Show me your cat is they also look reddish brown in the sunlight🌞

Read also:

Perfectly happy

Happy cat is relaxing


I need you guys more than ever!

Hey cat fam. So I have an INSURANCE question. My little girl was just diagnosed with a polyp that requires surgery. I dropped the ball on the insurance but I am still signing up today! Has anyone had ANY luck with pre-existing conditions pets. Let me clarify. I know the obvious and expensive parts are on me - I've excepted that - but are there any carriers that will HELP with pre-existing etc? Ie...lab work and routine visits during the period in which she's already having issues? Or...what insurance has saved YOUR life?? I can't thank you guys enough in advance!


Do you think she'll have long fur?

Her fur is longer than my other cats was at this age. Just curious other’s thoughts


Miles the desk worker


Took my cat to the ER vet.

My cat has stopped eating and drinking water since late Thursday. Stopped using litter box that day as well. Was repeatedly throwing up that day and continued well into Friday. We took him to the vet early morning yesterday. They gave him subcutaneous fluids to help with dehydration. Also got x rays done to see if there was an obstruction in his bowels. No obstruction in his urinary tract. X rays came back clear according to radiologist. We have been giving him the prescribed medicine sucralfate every 12 hours. He hates it but he also isn’t throwing it up. We also received medicine to help with nausea and vomiting that we will start giving it to him today. He threw up a small amount yesterday but hasn’t since. We still have not seen him eat or drink water and every time we try to force feed him he does not want to. He has used the litter twice since his emergency vet visit, both times to pee but did not cover it up. His mood has dropped a lot since Thursday. Just lays down and sleeps. Any advice please, words of comfort. I think I’m losing my boy..


My best friends cat took a selfie lmfao


Atticus disapproves

Of what, I don’t know


Meet Gary! Gary enjoys playing with bait toys, fallen tree branches, as well as exploring every corner of the yard


Chemical castration: your experience and opinion

Hi all, our male cat Lennon has a different type of heart muscles (very technical) and the advise is not to put him under narcose, so permanent castration is out of the question. A week ago the vet gave him chemical castration (hate the term) because we have 2 (spayed) female cats, who are bothered by him. Also he yells a lot. Vet said behavoure is first gonna get worse and then improve. He was right, it's driving all of us insane. And I feel so sorry for the little guy. What are your experiences with this CC? Is it really getting better? For how long. And what effect does it have on your cat? Thank you so much for your time and answers.


My Friends Cats, Mother and Son

My friend asked me to post her babies on Reddit so here they are!
