He finally let me trim his nails!

This is Shiro, my 3 year-old bunny. A while ago I asked for some tips in this subreddit because he doesn't really like it when I cut his nails or brush his hair. He is definitely the grumpiest bunny I've owned, but during this summer I've been working on getting him to trust me more and today that payed off!! I was able to trim all his nails, which is a very big win for me even if he did run away afterwards

Read also:

Fresh soil for Penny


In my opinion he looks confused, what’s yours?



What do you mean no? 😢




I can deny it no longer ! She is smol.




Bonding advice

When do you know it's safe to leave you buns in the same area unattended? Adopted these boys about a week before they hit pubity, their bond went out the window and they couldn't be near each other. They've spent the last few months with bars separating them. This is the first time they've been in the same space, it's been an hour of eating grass and flopping next to each other. Hoping this is a good sign, the last time I tried, about six months ago, it was nothing like this! Thank you!


The face of no regrets

Ms Bunny was caught munching her pellets from the hole she made in the bag 😆


“Pet me, slut.”


Had us up in shifts for 2 days in a row with partial stasis. Does Luci(fur) give a single fluff?

She does not.
