How would you call this formation?

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Is that a swastika?

I’m not sure if this is the correct sub for this but as I was exploring Japan through google earth I found this strange temple with a swastika next to it. Can someone explain?


Why is the dead meander more blue than the river?


How would you call these bodies of water?Lakes,estuaries,lagoons,gulfs,seas…?And why?

Sorry for the post,but I’m doing a research about the Black sea basin,but information is lacking in many areas


Europe's Peak Summer Heat Date [1950x1533] [by /uClimatologist49]


Now let me ask the opposite question: which country do you think is the worst shaped geographically? I'll start by this country:


United States inland waterways. Have always found it crazy that you can take a ship from the ocean to places like Charleston WV or Omaha Nebraska.


The Desolate, Eroding, & Inhabited Island of Tangier - United States

Not sure if this was ever posted on this sub however, after I initially found out about this island while randomly doing a Google maps scan back in 2016, it has always fascinated me; even to this day. There is no debate as to whether or not Tangier Island is going to make it through to the next century, it won’t. It’s only chance of surviving is with some serious government interference to combat the erosion, which is unlikely due to the massive costs that would be involved and the little to no financial return. 67% of the island has eroded since 1850. Located 12 miles out in the Chesapeake Bay, it can only be accessed by air or boat. This island has a population of only 701 people as of 2019, and didn’t have cable tv or high speed internet until the year 2010! Lastly, many of the existing residents are related to one another either by blood or by marriage, with many having the same surnames as the original English settlers hundreds of years ago. Here is a real good documentary on YouTube about the island and its citizens that was done by a college student several years ago. Here is a good write up about the island done by Business Insider.


What's with the jagged border of Yell County and Perry County, Arkansas?


I love the way the Andes do this


Why are cities in the US so spread out/low density?
