Update on Kit Kat / Grimlin

She’s calmed down a lot. She lets me pet her, holding her is a different story. She’ll gladly come up to you if your chillin in your bed.still runs from you, but has enough confrontation that she isn’t known as the menace of the house anymore. And for the past few weeks I haven’t seen any bite marks on blinds or scratched curtains ☺️

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Kittens Caught a cold

So my cat gave birth about 5 weeks ago and some days, theyre pretty big now havent had any issues with them, ive had multiple phone calls with my vet since i dont want to seperate them from the mom for too long, but recently 2 of my cats have gotten a cold (runny nose, sneezing etc) which is pretty common im not too worried about it as they’re recovering normally. However the kittens have gotten the cold (2 of them, the other two are healthy) and one of the kittens eye is super swollen, tearing up and looks irritated, and the other kitten his eyes are both swollen, theyre both sneezing and have a stuffy nose. Ive been rinsing out their eyes and washing their face with a warm rag 3-4 times a day. Its been about 3-4 days now its kinda getting better but should i be worried? my vet says it may last up to 10 days and to watch out for an infection, if it is i want to treat is as soon as possible. Is there any way i could know early?


He's a 10, but pees on my bed.

Hey all! This is Winston. He's a heckin' good boy. He's 2 years old and fixed. He is as healthy as can be, we bring him to the vet once every 6th months which was just last week. I know, a bit excessive, but both his mother and I are hypochondriacs so that kind of got extended to this lil guy. Anyways! This boy, for whatever reason, will pee in our bed sometimes. We don't know why, and are desperate find a solution. Initially when he first did this, we thought it was a result of him not liking his current litter box situation. However, after many instances of him peeing on our pillows and favorite blankets (pillows get thrown out, blankets get washed), we've realized that he's done this when his litterbox is freshly cleaned, mid use, or even "dirty". I use dirty in parenthesis because we never let it get that bad. We've been using the same litter, same cat box, and same location for 2 years. He still uses the litterbox on the daily, it's just every once in a while (about once a month) he is compelled to sneak into our room, pee on our bedding, then growl and zoom out of the room with a feeling of accomplishment. Any easy solution would be to leave our bedroom door shut. However, our apartment is very small since we live in the northeast and rent is absurd for anything other than a 1 bedroom, so we like to leave that open for him so he can wander around that section of our apartment along with our closet which he really likes. It's worth mentioning that he doesn't pee anywhere else in the apartment. Just his litter box, and our bed, we have plenty of other furniture that he could also pee on but he doesn't. Any ideas are welcomed and if you have any questions that weren't answered above that you think might help, feel free to ask. Thank you!


Broken nails questions

Hello! One of my sweet boys has a broken toe nail, probably from chewing on it from what I can see, it's detached from the muscle, I'm not sure if I should wait it out or bring him to the doctor. I only saw it last night when giving him a bath and he flinched really hard when I went to trim his feet and wash them. Not sure how long it has been like this.


What is this in my cats mouth?

I just saw this in my kittens mouth and I don’t know what it is. Let me know what this is


Why does he do this?

He’s a big fan of his forehead being pressed up against stuff while a sleeps, is it a comfort thing?


My cats back legs keep shaking

My beloved cat of 3 years keeps shaking her back legs, even when just sitting. I am wondering if this is normal or my cat has a larger problem I need to address.


Mis bebés


Concerned about something on cat’s mouth

In the corner of his mouth is some strange small growth. It also seems to be discolored/not black like the rest of his mouth. There’s a small hard part coming off of it. I don’t know if it’s a scab, acne, or something else someone here would be able to recognize? Hard to get a super clear picture, he doesn’t like being restrained. Thank you in advance


Anisocoria switching eyes

Anyone know what could cause anisocoria to come on suddenly but intermittently, and switch eyes? This has been happening on and off for about five months. She’s been to the vet multiple times and been seen by an ophthalmologist. She behaves normally outside of some squinting and boogers in the eye with the constricted pupil, and everything appears normal on her exams and blood work. She is ten years old.


found a kitty in the middle of nowhere, really hard stomach--what could be happening?

We found this kitty in the middle of a bunch of warehouses, the nearest residental area over 50 miles away, at a notorious cat dumping ground. He jumped into my family members car and basically begged to come home, so that's how I got him. I am taking this kitty to the vet on Tuesday because he's eating/drinking, pooping and peeing normally, but I don't know if I'm overreacting! He's an intact male (we thought he was pregnant until we found his testicles!) and he's really thick! Like, sturdy muscle wise. He's got a rotund hard stomach. He's a bit picky regarding touches (only really tolerates head touches) but is super friendly, meows, and again, doesn't indicate any pain beyond just nipping if you touch his side (which he also could just Not like that kind of touch). I'm going to check him for a chip first of course, but is the round hard stomach an indicator of anything internally? I'm thinking worms, giardia...he's quarantined from my other cats of course for now. I've never had an intact male and I found out they stink! His pee smells awful (no blood) and his poop is even worse! So I won't know till Tuesday, but anyone have some experience dealing w intact males that could reassure me or throw some hypothesis around that I can talk to the vet about? I
