Does anyone know what this is?

I just noticed this only on her back legs not sure if it might be litter?

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Cat is biting

I have a 3 year old healthy tortie who has a biting problem. I don’t feel it’s malicious in intent, she’s not a mean cat. It feels more like an attention thing but I’m not sure. Also, she’s always done this but it’s gotten excessive the older she’s gotten. As a kitten she didn’t do it often at all. Half the time it’s soft bites but she can also bite really hard too. Some examples: She will want to be on my lap, and if I’m not petting her she will bite. But she also bites if I am petting her. And I don’t let her aggressively, I’m always gentle with her. When I’m sitting on my bed watching tv at night she wants to be on my lap but if I don’t want her on me right then (say if I’m eating a snack) she will circle around me and bite the back of my arms. If I movie quickly because I know a bite is coming she will chase me and Vite harder. I don’t know what to do to make her stop. She doesn’t seem to have a motive (happens when I’m not letting her and when I am). And it’s getting to the point where I don’t want her to lay on me. Does anyone have any insight? Suggestions are greatly appreciated. Photo attached for the Cat Tax.


Found this cute guy


Found these two in garage, heard coyote yelping outside, already have a kitten thats a few weeks older so I'm set on food, water and litter, what else should I be doing? They're very friendly but I assume only because of a mix of free food and fear


My cat won’t stop meowing at me

Hello I posted about a kitten I adopted a few days ago, slight inconvenience, he really really likes meowing at me at night mostly, I’m pretty sure it’s because he misses his mom because he keeps searching around my neck and hair trying to find something to latch to. I don’t know if they gave him to me too early or if he just needs comfort but I don’t know how to help him in this situation. He eats regularly and he seems to be healthy but I feel really bad that he might miss his mom. Is there anything I can do to help him?


Update on Kit Kat / Grimlin

She’s calmed down a lot. She lets me pet her, holding her is a different story. She’ll gladly come up to you if your chillin in your bed.still runs from you, but has enough confrontation that she isn’t known as the menace of the house anymore. And for the past few weeks I haven’t seen any bite marks on blinds or scratched curtains ☺️


Kittens Caught a cold

So my cat gave birth about 5 weeks ago and some days, theyre pretty big now havent had any issues with them, ive had multiple phone calls with my vet since i dont want to seperate them from the mom for too long, but recently 2 of my cats have gotten a cold (runny nose, sneezing etc) which is pretty common im not too worried about it as they’re recovering normally. However the kittens have gotten the cold (2 of them, the other two are healthy) and one of the kittens eye is super swollen, tearing up and looks irritated, and the other kitten his eyes are both swollen, theyre both sneezing and have a stuffy nose. Ive been rinsing out their eyes and washing their face with a warm rag 3-4 times a day. Its been about 3-4 days now its kinda getting better but should i be worried? my vet says it may last up to 10 days and to watch out for an infection, if it is i want to treat is as soon as possible. Is there any way i could know early?


He's a 10, but pees on my bed.

Hey all! This is Winston. He's a heckin' good boy. He's 2 years old and fixed. He is as healthy as can be, we bring him to the vet once every 6th months which was just last week. I know, a bit excessive, but both his mother and I are hypochondriacs so that kind of got extended to this lil guy. Anyways! This boy, for whatever reason, will pee in our bed sometimes. We don't know why, and are desperate find a solution. Initially when he first did this, we thought it was a result of him not liking his current litter box situation. However, after many instances of him peeing on our pillows and favorite blankets (pillows get thrown out, blankets get washed), we've realized that he's done this when his litterbox is freshly cleaned, mid use, or even "dirty". I use dirty in parenthesis because we never let it get that bad. We've been using the same litter, same cat box, and same location for 2 years. He still uses the litterbox on the daily, it's just every once in a while (about once a month) he is compelled to sneak into our room, pee on our bedding, then growl and zoom out of the room with a feeling of accomplishment. Any easy solution would be to leave our bedroom door shut. However, our apartment is very small since we live in the northeast and rent is absurd for anything other than a 1 bedroom, so we like to leave that open for him so he can wander around that section of our apartment along with our closet which he really likes. It's worth mentioning that he doesn't pee anywhere else in the apartment. Just his litter box, and our bed, we have plenty of other furniture that he could also pee on but he doesn't. Any ideas are welcomed and if you have any questions that weren't answered above that you think might help, feel free to ask. Thank you!


Broken nails questions

Hello! One of my sweet boys has a broken toe nail, probably from chewing on it from what I can see, it's detached from the muscle, I'm not sure if I should wait it out or bring him to the doctor. I only saw it last night when giving him a bath and he flinched really hard when I went to trim his feet and wash them. Not sure how long it has been like this.


What is this in my cats mouth?

I just saw this in my kittens mouth and I don’t know what it is. Let me know what this is


Why does he do this?

He’s a big fan of his forehead being pressed up against stuff while a sleeps, is it a comfort thing?
