What is this? It's small like a sewing pin head

I live in Hungary and I find this time to time in the kitchen.

Read also:

Saw while on a hike (South Korea)


thinking about getting this. comments ideas to improve it size I should go with and best placement ideas.


Working on this all original dnd sleeve. Any thoughts? Design and ink by Teresa Law @ Illuminati Oregon City


Sign language tattoo question

I would like to get a tattoo of my son's name. Instead of letters, I was thinking of using sign language. However, none of us are hard of hearing. Would it be offensive to those who do use sign language? Also, I am looking to do 1-2 inch for each letter, are these hands be too detailed for such a small tattoo?


One of Mr. Bobinski’s mice from Coraline! 🐁🧵🪡

I love that from afar it looks like a silly little circus mouse but once you get up close it’s a creepy little realistic version of one of these guys. Additionally, I couldn’t decide if I wanted the mouse on the ball, the mouse with the hat and trumpet, or the mouse with the drum, so my artist incorporated all three in one!


Couple Questions about these

I designed/arranged this concept a little over a year ago, and I haven’t gotten them yet 1. because I’m not sure how they’d heal 2. it would be my first tattoo 3. I’m worried that the wind symbol could be read as a certain other symbol Thoughts?


To take the plane from Freetown you have to take this boat before

...and cross the sea strait


Tobemory Ontario, Canada. Its a no for me

Lots of glass bottom boat tours and scuba lessons happen here.


What is this? Rash or injury?

He’s not bothered by it, it flares red when he plays. The mornings it’s pale. Doesn’t itch it, doesn’t flinch when I clean it with cream or spray. It looks like it hurts terrible, I’m not sure he knows it’s there. 2 weeks to this stage. 2 yo male Frenchie. August 13 started antibiotics, off August 23


Dog sometimes goes right to bed after dinner/doesn’t want to go out before bed.

Hey y’all, just looking for some other opinions. My rescued pit mix is about 4 this year and has no issues going potty inside the house. He goes out during the day multiple times (we live the urban life, but we are very outside active). Generally his routine is poop and pee on our morning long walks and evening long walks, and pee on our other outside time/walks during the day. Sometimes (1x-2x/month) though our routine is thrown off (life stuff, weather, etc) and he will eat his dinner and then fall asleep on the couch and not want to go back outside, he will just walk to bed and fall asleep. In the morning I will usually take him out before he eats to make up for the sometimes 15 hours he goes without being outside, and he will just do his normal business. Is this healthy? I know he is capable of telling me he needs to go out, but I don’t want to mistakenly trust his judgment of his potty-ing needs and him end up with some bladder infection or something? Thanks!
