Who is this fine young man?

Central Texas. He’s been vibing on my balcony sliding door (filthy, oh my stars) all evening. He’s chill, I think. Seen him or his cousin around a few times, curious what this cutie is & kinda new to bugs!

Read also:

What spider is this I'm from NY upstate

It is in my bathroom, I wanna make sure it isn't poisonous


Who is this little dude?

(I did not touch him but is he venomous?)


What kind of spider is this? About 1” long and in southern WI


Found this guy chilling in the rain. Western Australia.


Saw this guy in our sink after coming home from a weekend trip. Tick? Cause for concerns?


found in northern illinois, sorry for poor image quality

found on the ceiling of my bedroom


What is this thing?

Found two of these in my house this past week, have never seen them before in my years living here, located in NJ


(South Korea) Killed this bug, it had a flaky white shell on top of it.


What kind of spider is this?

Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? Found it in my house this evening.


who is this little goober i found on my bed

i think he’s dead now
