Chronic diarrhea in older cat

This is my boy. He’s about 12-13 now. For the past few months he’s been having diarrhea. I don’t think he’s had a solid poop in a long time. And sometimes he growls for no reason (he’s a passive cat, he’s never even fought back against a mean cat) and sometimes he cries before using the litter box. I can’t take him to a vet myself and I’ve tried telling my dad but he didn’t care. Is there anything I could do? Or any idea what the problem is? There haven’t been any changes in his diet in this time period either.

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my cat is throwing up

my cat got out while my gf was home he broke out of the screen window she said the cat must’ve been out for like 10-15 min which was 2 days ago he threw up last night and hasn’t been eating or drinking since ? my gf seems to think he may have eaten a dead animal or maybe caught a mouse? we also don’t know if maybe was a plant i know it’s the food bc i have another cat and they eat similar food (weruva wet food) just one for the kitten and his is for cat and the kitty is perfectly fine the vet is closed tonight we both work tomorrow morning we aren’t sure if this is something that can wait until we get home from work tomorrow or should i just get my shift covered and take him in the morning what should we do


Adopted Stray Cat

This cat was hanging out at our house all summer - day and night, while it was over 100 degrees and never left. We started feeding her and my kids started going outside to give her loves and play and named her “Spot,” we ended up bringing her inside after asking neighbors in our HOA if they knew who owned her or if she had a home, etc. no one knew - she is extremely sweet, let’s my kids be kids, and gets along with our kitten (11 mo.,) for the most part. She def had a home at some point but we think she was abandoned by our neighbors when she moved because she def doesn’t act feral - but, she has something wrong with her eyes - my husband believes it’s a cataract. We are taking her to the vet on 9/12 - but, I’m wondering if I should add her to our pet insurance and wait 30 days so we don’t get preexisting conditions but I don’t know if it’s an emergency or not. Any ideas on what tests I should have the vet run on her or if it’s an emergency or not? Her eyes are different one looks glazed over and kind of foggy and dilates differently.


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