Packet Mi Goreng w/ Tuna & Corned Beef - Paired with a Blue Milkshake

I call this a “what-the-fuck-do-I-have-in-my-pantry” dinner Also for extra info, the Milkshake is ‘Blue Heaven’ - I believe Blue Heaven flavour is Australian, so for my Non-Aussie Redditors, it’s a combination of Raspberry & Vanilla that’s been coloured Blue.

Read also:

Crust pizza with pizza crust


My wife noticed the Virgin Mary carrying baby Jesus in her mustard.


Lost cockatiel

Update: Today is the beginning of day 9 since he’s been missing. I understand his chances of survival at this point aren’t the greatest, but I’m hopeful. I’ve contacted local vets, pet stores, animal shelters and local establishments. Flyers have been posted in Willoughby and surrounding cities. Cockatiels make a distinct call. I’ve posted a video of the sound if you’re curious. If you hear him and spot him, please call or text. I appreciate everyone’s help. It means a lot.


yar har fiddle tee dee


They're twins


Yellowfin - skull rock, the pleasure was all mine. -Bluefin

May we both make it to 60, and hopefully not come face to face with stitches again.


Goodbye WoW!


so i died in HC...lvl 30 ;_; turns out I still really want to play my character, even though it wont be the same. I would like to get some opinions on these realms. I dont know anything about these realms, how long have they been out? Im thinking Bloodsail, but im not sure. Pls help


Anyone knows why there are bodies around the city with player names that haven't disappeared for more than a week?


4 pouches dropped before lvl 5 , this is the run guys!!
