MtF goth girl

Read also:

Spotted a pretty kitty in the park


A drop of milk hitting coffee.


Who's this? (North Carolina Piedmont)


These are all over the garden center I work in. Central Indiana


Washington DC, US


Found this thing when walking my dog, not sure what it is


Found in a bug trap


Cicada and what else?

So I was out walking (Southern Ontario, Canada) and came across these two chilling on a curb. I know the one on the left is a Cicada but what is the one on the right? It is dead, but I’m curious what it is and also what happened…was it coincidence that this Cicada was sitting next to it or did it have something to do with it’s demise?


What is this critter I found in my bathroom??????


What could make these bites?

So... I have these very itchy bites at my upper arm. I thought that this could be the work of bed bugs. But I've checked my mattress and stuff for bugs or traces of this fuckers. On and under the mattress - nothing to find. So any idea what else it could be? Or maybe still bed bugs and I am just not smart enough to find them? Thanks for your opinions. I love insects and bugs, except the one who keeps my scratching.
