A dog in a cats body, protecting her family one sound at a time!

She’s too sweet not to post. My Gandalf sat there for a good 5 minutes because she heard the building cleaners outside my doorway. Just one of her many dog like qualities 😻

Read also:

You'll pay for this, human!


She came to my house from thin air 2 days ago and wouldn't stop using me as her bed


Cats eyes are red. Should I be worried?

Hi. So I've attached a pic of my cat. He's about 16 with red eyes. Been using cat eye drops, was wondering whether it's dust/irritation or Feline Hiv or something? Gonna get him to the vets, but appreciate any help. Thanks


Both have no brain cell but both are happy!


He loves my slippers


Is she bad 🫣

My cat is ALWAYS trying to eat / pull off my evil eye braclet.... is she bad? Does she want to harm me ? What do I do !!!! 🫣🤣🤣


Stray cat in BGC, Philippines 🐈


He just figured out he can eat while lying down, let's see your cats being lazy!


My moms Cat Pudd is protecting my mom after her heart attack.

All he wants to do is lay on her and make sure she’s okay, I call him the gargoyle cause he doesn’t like anyone but my mom and my stepdad, but after my moms heart attack he’s been being real sweet, he even let me pet him without trying to attack me afterwards.


How can this be comfortable?
