Found in Homer, Alaska. Bobbit worm wannabe?

Read also:

What are these white droplets in this web? IL

This is indoors and shouldn’t be from rain or dew. It’s also only on this side of the window and not in the webbing on the other side. Also curious if anyone has an idea what spider would make a web like this?


My 3yr old son and I come here to learn about bugs before bed every night. He wants to know what bug this is.

He also wants to know if it’s nice or mean. Denver, Colorado


Uk bug ID please

Title says it all really... in the UK and this guy is bouncing aroind my studio late night. Just wanna know if that thing on it's butt can sting me or not.


Spider the size of an index finger residing in my room.

Found in Edinburgh, Scotland


Is this a male black widow?

I was hunting for bugs for my Venus Flytrap and found this one nestled on an abandoned flower pot. Colorado


I keep finding these all over myself after being under trees


Northern California, on my porch

Bonus cat


At our back door, is it dangerous?


Who’s this Fuzzy Buddy?

Ran into this little guy crawling across the trail on a hike yesterday. Western Montana.


I am trying to confirm the presence of bed bugs — does this look like a dead beg bug? Maybe a husk? It was hard and dried up in a door jamb
