I think there is a problem with my structure. I can’t tell if the roof is poorly made or if the tower is disproportionate. What do you think the problem is?

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How can I get to this place?

It’s my first time playing and I know a way you could skip the castle to get stronger so you can fight the bosses, but I wonder if anyone could get to the place?



So last night before going to bed I arrived at the Valiant Gargoyles boss fight, decided to solo it first but then saw they pulled a DS1 on me with the second Gargoyle, their patterns are pretty simple but their lunges "second Gargoyle" have an unfair AoE that hit me even after dodge rolling them especially if you're close to a wall and the a-hole lands nearby, I'm on a Dex, Faith build run with some vigor points added, that AoE one shots me but their basic attacks take two hits to kill me. After many tries and my wife telling me to go to sleep I decided I wanted peace when going to bed so I summoned some dudes for help. 2 random heroes where summoned and I rush towards the boss room when suddenly I was Invaded by a random, It was the first time I got invaded in this game so I decided to ignore it and hurried to the boss room passed the mist and the invader was banished immediately once in the room I drink my concoction so to not lose my runes upon death with some damage reduction buff. The random dudes make quick work of the first Gargoyle while I distract the second one, after killing the first one the second one flies and lunges at the two guys and kills one, the second guy about to kill the gargoyle but being overwhelmed "I was drinking my flasks recovering hp and fp" I rush to help "My main strat was using lightning spear since I had no good weapons against the gargoyles" Every time I hit the gargoyle it would aggro me giving the other guy a chance to strike freely so that was me whole strategy since I summoned them. The Gargoyle was helpless and about to die I could see a small line of hp left on him I once again started drinking a Flask for hp when the bastard lunges at me I evade it but unfortunately the AoE didn't give a rat's ass and hit me anyway killing me instantly. I was so frustrated by that moment it was already 12:30 a.m. and had to wake up early for work but my blood boiling and my dignity would not let me go to bed easily so I decided to try once more, I summon another random and while waiting I remember having used perfume bottles once out of curiosity so I find that I had enough bottles to make Uplifting aromatics "What the hell" I said and made and equipped them, the random summon appeared before me, we greeted each other and I run towards the boss room everything went well same strategy I distract the gargoyles while the brave stranger killed the first one, once the second had it's hp just one fifth full the brave warrior dies on me leaving me completely alone with halve fp, one blue flask, 5 perfume bottles and my trusty Reduvia dagger I could feel myself on my character's shoes about to lose hope and let myself get killed but I shrugged it off as the basterd gargoyle walked towards me I could feel in my heart a last war cry as I rushed toward him somehow I don't know if it was instinct but I managed to evade most of his attacks, some hits where alievated by the perfume bottles while staying close to it's feet throwing lighting spears at his crotch, I ran out of fp, I had no more flasks only my dagger and 4 perfume bottles left, I could imagine my character tired and bleeding with bruises everywhere my heart started racing and I and I was at the edge of my seat I start waving my dagger like crazy and rolling "The last incantation I casted was the one that regenrates your hp slowly" so each perfume I used helped me to not get killed all the 4 times I got hit I saw the Gargoyle's hp bar slowly being chipped away by my dagger my hands started shaking I could feel the adrenaline rushing my instincts at full looking at the hp bar and at the Gargoyle at the same time while managing my stamina bar, after a couple of swings I hear that "swish" sound enemies make when they get killed indicating that FINALLY I had somehow killed the Gargoyle. I know it was kind of a pathetic victory but I WOULD NOT CHANGE that moment for anything I felt so much joy in my body I hadn't felt it since Dark Souls 1 after beating Kapra Demon in my second try after hearing how hard he was. Guys I effing love all the Souls games and sometimes wish I could get my memory of the games erased just to experience them again for the first time. 😁 Sorry for the long post but I had to write about last night and how intense and rewarding it was I hope you guys are also experiencing the same thing with this wonderful game.


How does one get up to this top area

Evening folks, I have circled this area a bunch and always seem to get either stuck in the underneath of it (in the cave area) or met with a cliff face to get up. Could somebody shed some light on how to get up here. I see the spirit spring jump point but can't seem to get my way over there. Please and thanks (I wasn't sure what to Google to get an answer)


Saw something familiar today at Old Navy…


They may be twins, but Morgott is definitely the older brother


The kiddie kidnapper himself! (oc)


Doing a randomiser run i came across this...


All the more reason to love this place /s

Why are there colossal hands here🥲


Iam doing ranni quest but..

I can’t find bladd here and i did not find him in ranni rise too but ik that he is in radhan area right i found him there after killing radhan should i go to talk to him there ?


Ranni quest

Iam doing ranni quest but i did not find bladd in siofra river neither in jn ranni rise but ik he is in radhan area should i continue the task or there is something is missed?
