Made some honey cake 💜

Ps: very messy😂 Recipe: 8-layer Honey Cake Recipe (Medovik) Natasha from Natasha’s kitchen

Read also:

Made a danish marzipan pie with chocolate, vanilla cream and strawberries😍🤤


Made Butter Cookies before the holidays


Homemade Soft Cookies with marshmallow


London Fog Shortbread


[homemade] birthday cake for my mother!


Propagation technician


Let me see that mouse again, you’ve had it long enough.


Zorro stands his watch

Zorro loves to hang out on the front walkway* to greet neighbors coming and going. "Uncle" Kevin had just come home. He is the only one who can give belly rubs. For 2 or 3 minutes Zorro has been doing joy-rolls. *we keep our door wide open




How can I stop my stray-turned-adoptee from constantly trying to go back outside?

Hello everyone this is Dewey. I adopted him recently after he came up to me asking for food & water. He’s been vaccinated, groomed, and soon will be chipped & neutered — but before that happens, I want to get him accustomed indoors. Only, he always seems unhappy to be inside. He’ll come in if I offer him food, but after he’s done he’ll start meowing loudly, and if I *still* ignore him he’ll start clawing at the door. He has no real interest in playing with toys or anything either… I’m not sure how to keep him preoccupied inside. He’s incredibly sweet and affectionate, but recently some other strays have been bothering him outside and I really wish he would come inside already so that would stop! I know there’s a transition period for strays, but is there any way I can calm him down easier? Thanks in advance for the help 💙
