Found in an old house in the adirondacks. The lever lifts up and down and it looks like a candle on top. What is this thing?

Read also:

These little blue hut things. They have a door and seem be hollow, found on some farmland in Saskatchewan


Plastic/rubber pad seems to have come out of the washing machine?

Found two of these rubber pad things after washing clothes in my washer/dryer. At first I thought they might have been coming off my clothes, but after some investigation they seem to have come from the washing machine. What are they? And should I be worried that they're apparently detaching from whatever they were originally stuck to?


What is this thing in a picture of a house for sale in Kauai - it looks metal and glass, black, oval shaped , from floor to ceiling, open to floor, an oval on glass on one side


Found this piece in my car trunk. It is black and about 2.5" long and 1.5" wide.

Is this a necessary component of the trunk?


What is this orange brown slime on my driveway?


What are these? Resembles a broach or a piece of jewellery with what look like twist tabs on the bottom

Asking for a friend on facebook


If you feel something is wrong with your body please don't post it here and go to a doctor

Weird sun and bird lineup btw


Look at that blubber fly

Cancel my 1’o clock


Fulfilled a lifetime goal today


If the show premiered today, what would Bart say that would cause the same hype that “Eat my shorts” did?
