Game of thrones "A-Z". Drop your best "K" quotes.


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(Spoilers Published) Help finding specific editions.

Hello, I'm hoping someone can advise. I'm looking for a box set which has the font type like my copy of A Game of Thrones on left, and not like my copy of A Clash of Kings on the right. I got both books second-hand recently, thought I had them matching, but was a bit dismayed at the font used for A Clash of Kings. So thought it might be easier to find a set of the published books in that same nice thicker font. If not, any info on which editions to get separately with the left side font. Any links much appreciated, I'm living in Australia if that is revelant. Gods be good!


Joffrey afraid?

Other than his death scene, do you think Joffrey was any more afraid than he was a Blackwater Bay, especially after the Hound quit?


Any woman who must say, “I am the Queen” is no true Queen.


I met Greyworm at Dragoncon


Looking for some help

I purchased this the other day, and I later did some research and found that it’s the first hardback uk edition, however my copy doesn’t have a publisher on the side nor does it have any text on the back, as some others seem to have. I’m not sure if my one is a reprint, or something else, just looking for some advice


Do you think they had the printing press back then or did Joffrey just destroy a guys life work?


How would these two interact?


What do you think Jaime’s reaction would have been if he was present during the time ser barristan was being embarrassed & dismissed as a kingsgaurd?

He obviously had tons of respect for him do you think he could’ve avoided that whole situation altogether by talking to Cersei


Rhaegal by dracalyss


Came across this doozy while reading through some character profiles on AWOIAF. So Jamie and Cersei started experimenting sexually at like 5-6 years old? Wtf George lol

In my mind they were teenagers at least, but maybe that was just my subconscious rewriting my memory after I read the books to make this less disturbing.
