Standing Bunny

She's adorable when she stands up

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Question (Rabbits Eye)

I've always wondered what this was in his eye, he has had it since the day we got him, doesn't seem to affect him or make him have any discomfort, just wondering what it is and what it maybe came from?


Birthday boy 🥳🎈🎊🎁🎂

My boy turned one today!



Blanket and pillow. 🤣


I feed them in the mornings before work, now they’re happy when I leave 😭

“is the hooman leaving?”


Sweeples gave up mid-crime.

A hard day of secretly eating the wall...


The ear has flopped 🥺


Tips on matted fur

(Gravy and Mashed potato while their pen was being cleaned) Hey all, I recently got two new buns who all round are healthy and happy. Once they were home and settled for a few days they let me pet them and I noticed they both have some mats on their rear. Obviously their not big fans of their buts being touched and I was wondering if anyone had any tips on getting rid of these mats. Anything helps, tools used, position, ways to make them as comfy as possible through the experience!


Low quality rabbit


Work mode on.🐰🐰🐰


New bun owner, outdoor run questions.

Here’s my foster fail! I officially adopted her yesterday. The shelter explained that I can’t let her outside since wild rabbits can give her bacteria that is harmful. Is there a way I can sanitize an area in my backyard to provide a run for her? My backyard is all dirt. She’s vaccinated and I haven’t seen any wild rabbits in my yard but I of course would rather be safe than sorry. Thank you for any help! 🐇
