Watchful Winnie is too cute not to share.

Read also:

Help!! How do I stop my bunny from licking his stitches?

My bunny just went for a procedure to remove an abscess on his foot. The vet put an e-collar on him but we decided to remove it as he had trouble eating and drinking and was very uncomfortable all round. We put this donut on him as a makeshift collar but he’s still able to lick his wound. Will licking his wound affect his recovery? If so, how can I prevent him from doing so?


Bad Reaction?

Hey all. I got a bunny a couple weeks back and haven’t had the chance to get him neutered yet (he’s just reached the appropriate age this week anyway). I plan on getting this done at some point this week as long as I can get an appointment. I’ve noticed that he has a very strong ammonia scent in his urine and maybe I’m crazy but I think it’s giving me a bad reaction. For the past couple days my throat has been sore and my nose has bled several times. Could this be connected to the ammonia in the air? I’ve read it’s possible but I want to ask the broader community and get some insight. If it is, will neutering him help this scent and ammonia concentration?


I just moved and saw this rabbit in my yard. Is this domestic or wild ?


Dat booty 🍑

And before anyone says anything, he’s currently on a new diet so no body shaming


Happy 10th birthday Bandit!


She's toasting her feets


Meet my rabbits oremale, brown one),Abd Elly(female, white one)


My bunny showing off her new sign


Our sweet trio 🩷🩷🩷

Squad rolls deep


Teddy got through his neuter safely!!

Teddy had his neuter 3 days ago and did wonderful! The sweet ladies at his veterinarian's office said he was a total sweetheart the whole time, and woke up after surgery to get plenty of pets. He's been in a large pen we moved into the living room for him to recover for the next days (doctors orders). I let him out this evening since he was back to his old self. His incision site looks wonderful and he's been enjoying some cuddles and lots of binkies! Litterbox habits are steadily improving too!
