Should I order an X-ray?

My little guy blocked a couple years ago and underwent surgery to remove the block and drastically reduce the chance of future occurrences. He’s had no issues until Sunday. He seemed to be acting normal but I noticed a single drop of blood in his urine. I took him to urgent care and they suspected a UTI, prescribed him antibiotics and gabapentin for pain (which I’ve been halving to keep him from being fully sedated), and told me to keep an eye on him and consider further testing. Now that he’s back home, there’s no more blood, and he’s peeing a large amount but only once a day. For about 15 minutes on and off before he goes, he steps into the litter box, squats down, and then immediately jumps out. He’s usually good about drinking water and eating wet food, but that hasn’t been the case since he got back. I have an appointment for a follow up on Thursday and I’m short on funds. Would it be worth the hundreds for a urinalysis or an X-ray just in case? Would the treatment be different than the antibiotics he’s already on? My mom thinks I should let the antibiotics work for longer and give him the full dose of gabapentin before I try additional tests, but I’m worried about my guy after almost losing him before. I’ll be asking the vet these questions as well but I appreciate the advice of anyone who’s gone through anything similar! TLDR; My cat had blood in his urine and is straining to urinate after a perineal urethrostomy. Now he’s on antibiotics. Should I get an X-ray too or wait it out?

Read also:

Cat ate a tick

My cat styles ate a tick last night. I’m not sure if that something to be concerned about or what to do?


SOS-Taking two kittens on vacation for a week. First timer advice?

Reggie is seven months and Lewis is five months old. We are taking them to the beach with us this Saturday for a week and it will be their first time staying away from home. From what I’ve read, it’s not recommended to bring cats on trips or keep them out of their homes for an extended period of time if it can be avoided. But unfortunately, we don’t have any family living near us or anyone we’d trust to come take care of them for a week. I need advice on essentials to bring (I know carriers, litter boxes, food and treats cat trees and toys) but are there other things that were crucial to a smooth trip in the car for five hours or staying away from home? It will also be their first time staying in a home with dogs (they will not be mingling, we will be staying on separate floors of a house but the noise of them barking and the general level of noise in the house will be a lot more than they’re used to). I appreciate all the help this group provides for us new cat parents. They are such a joy and special part of our family, we want to make sure they are happy and comfortable too.


Advice for her first vet appointment

Adopted her on 8/19 & she is 5-6months old. She was a bit feral and found a few months after birth. I recently adopted her and haven't petted her yet since reading you should wait for them to come to you. She has been getting a bit more brave daily. She has her vet appointment next week. I do have feliway to spray into her carrier. I am worried though about putting her in her carrier. I don't want to scar her or set back progress by putting her in there since most likely I'll need to wrap her with a towel to even pick her up which is what we had to do when I adopted her. Should I attempt petting her prior to her vet appointment? She has licked treats off my hand, but startles if you get close.


How to get my cat to stop scratching so much

Hey everyone! I have a 7 year old orange tabby that has been fine until probably about 6 months ago. He has developed this habit of scratching at his back shoulder blades near his neck and above his eyes in front of his ears. What have you done to help your itchy friend? I switched his litter to a grain based litter. He now eats solely wet cat food (was on dry before) and I even gave him a bath but all seems to have failed. Oh and he is on monthly flea and tick as well. He will scratch until the hair is gone and it is bleeding… which then it scabs over and eventually heals but he always develops a new hot spot. The bath may have helped a bit but he’s still scratching. First time cat owner, help!


Skinny Stray

I noticed a super skinny girl in my garden today (South West London). I have called the RSPCA, they gave me an incident number and told me to take her to the nearest vet. Vet refused to take the cat even with the incident number. Called the RSPCA again to inform them, they gave me two more vet clinics near me, both refused to help. I have reached out to 3 independent rescues, one lady has gotten back to me and said she is full but will scan for a chip in a couple days. I’m not sure this cat has a couple days. I’ve fed her and will continue to do so, but at this point she’s basically a furry skeleton and with the heat over the next few days I’m really worried about her. I can’t take her inside as I have two of my own indoor cats, plus an unofficially adopted outdoor stray who has lived in the garden about a year. Does anyone have a contact for a rescue who would be willing to help ?. I’m happy to make a donation for her costs. She’s super sweet and friendly, and desperately needs some help !


Infected spay wound?

She’s got a grape sized non painful not hot cyst (seroma?) associated with the wound. She doesn’t seem to be in pain or acting any differently but the redness has me a worried. Thanks everyone!


It's been half an hour since then and I still can't completely calm down. If that bitch has a good memory and reports me to the police, I guess I'm screwed and even more so because they are my father's car license plates. I feel extremely nervous, not so much fear, it's more nervousness and uncert


We need even more unions


On top of not meeting baristas at the bargaining table to settle a fair contract and targeting pro-union employees, Starbucks is creating unsafe working conditions by understaffing their stores. Kudos to working people in Seattle who went ON STRIKE to fight back!


What are your favorite Elden Ring locations at specific in-game times of day?

I went to the West Altus Divine Tower Gate again and the sun was setting. I was blown away. The area is really nice, but it’s glorious when the evening starts. Any locations like that for you at specific times of day?
