It only got worse the closer I got...

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What’s wrong with this kitten?

A cat decided to give birth in my garden and now some cats live in the basement. We feed them and they feel comfortable around us. I just noticed this and the vet won’t open his phone. What is this? What do I do? PS the flashlight made Tuco close his eyes otherwise the eyes seem perfectly fine


What could this white crust be on my cat's neck?

It feels crust, sort of like eczema maybe. Cat's behavior is completely normal.


Care for a cat with suspected herpes

Hi all. My cat Eggroll is a 6 y/o neutered male long-hair. I noticed yesterday he was sneezing much more than usual and had a dripping runny nose (clear color) and watery eyes. I was going to set up a vet appt for him for a suspected upper respiratory infection, but this morning he started hacking a lot, so I brought him into the ER. They suspect he has herpes and he may continue to have flairups that we can ride out at home as long as he doesn't lose his appetite or become very lethargic. They gave us probiotics to put in his food for the next 7 days, but said other than that we can just help him keep his nose clear if it becomes crusty and wait out the flairups. Does anyone have any experience with something like this and additional tips for any care I should be giving him or things to look out for? Thanks.


cat lost tooth, is this normal

my kitty is about 7 months old and i just found him eating/chewing on his tooth. i looked in his mouth and its a bit bloody and i see where the tooth came from. is this normal for his age? he doesn’t seem to be in pain, he’s playing in the bathtub right next to me now. also we have a vet appt scheduled for tomorrow, was already happening.


can’t get my boys to stop fighting

My two cats, have been fighting recently. Like, actual fighting, not just playing with each other. It has gotten to the point where my older cat (8) will hiss at the younger one (5) any time he gets anywhere near him, and I’ve had to break up two big fights in the past week. I don’t really know what could’ve happened between them to make them this angry with each other. They used to be so lovey-dovey with each other, and now I honestly can’t remember the last time they even cuddled with each other. I don’t know what to do about this. I don’t even feel comfortable leaving my older cat inside alone with the little one anymore. I let him outside before i go to work and let him back in when I get home, and he immediately starts growling at his brother. Is there anything I can do to try to mend their relationship with each other? It makes me so sad to see them not loving on each other like they used to.


Cat Sneezing

My girl miku (9f) never had any health issues. She had a dental procedure done on August (cleaning and extraction). She started sneezing alot after she recovered from the surgery. It was continuous at first and then it reduced to sneezing once or twice every few hours or so. It is september now and she is still sneezing. I did take her to the vet after it first started and they said everything looked fine. The only possible thing could have been a flare up of feline HPV (if she has it) or some rhinitis that would go away by itself. Today she was coughing again. From time to time she does these sharp exhales that makes it seem like she is trying to clear her sinuses? Feels like she has some phlegm and congestion. She doesnt have alot of visible nasal or eye discharge and other than that, her behavior has been the same (appetite, energy, litterbox). I'm worried there's something more to this since she only started having these symptoms after her dental procedure. Please let me know if you experienced something similar with your kitties. Thank you!


Why does my buddy flatten his ears straight out when he’s sleepy?


Threw up immediately following dinner

Added the nsfw tag just because it’s not pleasant to see. Sometimes I’ll find cat throw-up around the house, but this time it was right after she ate so I’m worried. I’ve changed nothing about her feeding routine or the type of food fed to her, just some dry and some wet. I did wipe down her placemat with a Lysol wipe, is it possible she licked that and this is the result? I feel like something had to have triggered it. She’s acting normal as can be right now.
