Found this guy on my front porch

Guessing this is a Noble False Widow? Here in East Bay California.

Read also:

What kind of cricket is this? Seen in Virginia near a pond. About an inch long.


What is this? Flew into my mouth while sleeping, should I be worried?


Found this guy in the bathroom. Any ideas?

Located in Canberra, Australia. About the size of a 50p coin.


Found this in my bathroom. What is it?


What the hell is this in my air vent?

I have no idea what this is and if it’s even bug related.


What’s this little guy outside my window?

NW Arkansas, U.S. ~1 inch long Sorry for blurry pic, couldn’t get it to focus


Help! Need to identify this

These tiny bugs keep showing up in my apartment. They’re like a brownish, reddish, orangish tiny bug. Barely visible


Any help

Noticed these on my ceiling because of my cat. Never had any issues of these in my 3 years till this year. Any help? Located in NE Ohio


[Southern California, 4" long] Is this a mud dauber wasp nest?


Anyone got any idea what this arachnid-like bug is?

It hasnt climbed anything like my wall so far, and it seems relatively chill as it did walk over me a bit ago, but its simply going back and forth along my walls atm and doesnt seem to really be doing anything, it seems to have 6 legs and some stumpy front pincers, but that might have simply been my eyes playing tricks on me or due to the poor guy being hurt
