What are these?! Baby spikes. NH

Read also:

Slime mold in the garden

Popped up in the garden after watering during an 88° day. Didn't expect to see it after the heat!


Found in Illinois. Sorry I don’t have a picture of the underside.


A large amount of dried Chlorophyllum molybdites sent by a friend so I can Guinea pig trying to detox them for food


What is this


Took a walk through the forest. Eastern Canada. I have a few additional pics of each one individually if you'd like me to post more.


Blooming all summer, should I be concerned?

These keep popping up in a pot where my Peppermint Willow tree lives. They’ve been blooming all summer and you can see last weeks on the other side of the trunk. What species are they and should I be concerned for the tree?


Found today in Sweden

What do you reckon about this one? Grew in the moss (no stub or dead branch as far as i could see). The forest is mainly spruce/fir tree, but also some aspen, birch and oak.



Found by a lake in Pennsylvania. There was almost a blue hue to the edges.


What is this little chode?

I’m a bit stumped - can’t find this in any of my books and my search engine can’t take much more ‘phallic fungi’. It was growing alone in mixed woodland at the roots of a tree I forgot to ID; kind of foamy and bumpy. Didn’t get a look at the gills. Is it just a very young version of something more familiar? Any help appreciated as ever!


Tried to grow corn and a marmot took it. Left the plant there and now it looks fucked. Is that corn smut?

Is that corn smut and if yes, what should I do with it?
