Does anybody know what this is?

5yr old Lab Retriever/German Shepherd Mix

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Flea allergy dermatitis?

He’s almost 6 months old, he has fleas and I can see one in the picture but just wondering if this is a normal rash for having fleas or if it’s flea allergy dermatitis? This was taken last night right before his monthly nexgard spectra and it’s already cleared up a little. He also has rashes similar to this on his legs and I think on his paws. We gave him an oatmeal bath a week ago which helped momentarily but it came back. He has a vet appointment next week to get his vaccination booster and I’ll bring this up with them. Is there anything I can do to help relieve his itchiness before that?


Any ideas as to what this is on my dog’s paw?


Dog throw up

Hi all, My dog had a beef trachea and a day or so after three up in the morning. Is this from the treat? Should I take her to the vet? She is eating and drinking normally. Stools are good, maybe a little smaller?


Could anybody please help me figure out what’s wrong with the end of my dog’s penis?


Need help

Anyone know what is going on with my dogs legs? Lately he has been licking all his paws raw and they get scabs. They seem super dry so we have tried several paw creams to see if it helps but nothing seems to work. We have been trying to keep him in an inflatable donut so he can’t lick. Maybe it could be from walking in grass that’s coated in reclaimed water? Or maybe allergy? Or something else? Any help would be great


Yeast, mites or ear infection

Started 2 days ago, seeing vet in a few hours but dog can’t sleep, is very itchy, shaking head, ear tilted, does not want me to touch her ear, has many allergies we are still working on figuring out with specialists.


Any ideas on what we are looking at here?

So here are the stats: 13.5 year old beagle/shepherd mix, around 35 lbs About a month ago, we went to the vet for coughing fits. Did an x-ray and found pneumonia. He was on a few medications for the infection and was given a nebulizer. He also had a growth on his right back leg, but that turned out to be arthritis after the x-ray. Yesterday I find the attached in the photo. It also looks like the left side of his lip has been protruding from his face. He is getting another x-ray and possibly an aspirate this weekend. I just wasn’t sure if anyone had any clues about what it could possibly be?


Dark brown spot on dog’s eye

My 6 year old GSG developed this darker brown spot in the corner of his eye. I noticed it yesterday and he doesn’t seem to scratch the eye and acts normal. Is it just a scratch? Blood?


Potty Training Puppy

My poodle puppy used to pee around the house a lot. Recently, I started to walk him like 2-4 times a day and he has started to pee and poop outside. Just today, when he was taken out of his crate, he peed on the floor. His pee pad was close to him but he decided to go on the hardwood floor. What can I do? Why is he making these accidents?


What are these bumps on my dog?
