Trying to choose pet insurance for these two cuties

I am in the process of choosing pet insurance for my two cats. They are both indoor only cats My first cat is a 7 year old domestic shorthair. He hasn't had any issues in at least 4 years. He's only gone to the vet for his yearly check ups. My second cat is a 3 year old domestic mediumhair. Robin has issues with constipation so she's currently on lactulose daily. Our vet says it's common with medium/long haired cats. I don't expect Robin's constipation issues to be covered since she takes lactulose every day but I do wonder if she'd be covered for say, ingesting a bunch of plastic and needing surgery because of a blockage. It's like related sort of since she has gastrointestinal issues but to me it seems more of an accidental blockage than one related to her digestion issues. I am currently leaning on choosing PawProtect. I noticed that they offer a Medical History Review upon signing up so they can tell me exactly what's covered and what won't be covered. Can anyone share their experiences with pet insurance?

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