😴❤️ brothers ❤️

Read also:



Kitten got spayed on 8/30, overnight there’d a bump at incision?

Just picked up this sweet girl from the shelter yesterday and noticed this bump on her this morning which wasn’t there last night. How concerned should I be?


void cat


Black cats are so strange. Meet sketchy


Pickle is almost 5 months old now

Don't let her face fool you, we call her "the bad one"


My cat enjoying the Sun and the grave of our deceased cat mona


Show me your calico cats


I Finally Got a Family Photo of my Bottle Babies!


Good cop bad cop


Tell me the story of how you got your cat

Here is my sweet girl Pumpkin. I was working a random morning shift at the Dollar General in a very, very small town and as I was ringing a customer out I noticed the automatic doors open and in walks cat. I was so beyond confused and after I finished the transaction as quickly as possible I went around to find the cat and my manager to tell her that a cat had just waltzed in the front doors. We found her and tried to give her some wet food but she wouldn't eat and she was cold and very dirty and tired. She looked so sad so I brought her home. The first night I held her and cried because I didn't know if she was going to be okay. She perked up the next day after a stay in a warm room and some tuna and she's been my best friend ever since. I don't know how this sweet angel found me but I will forever be thankful that she did. My life was going so downhill and she lifted me up and continues to lift me up in my times of need. My soulcat forever and ever, I'll love her until my last breath and then some 🧡 I'm so glad I can spoil her and give her the life she always deserved.
