My bunny is about to be 4. Is it too late to get her a bonded pair? I didn’t before because we didn’t have the space/money but I think we can do it now. What do y’all think?

Read also:

I’m legit a stalker for the buns


Juniper thinks he is king and crosses his legs when he sits! My cutie proper bun


Bunny with my husbun.


I love my bunny

I was told he was a female and an angora rabbit. Turns out he is a boy. As for Angora... I'm not sure. His fur doesn't grow that quick. I still love him


Who needs to see whole tv screen when you can look at your rabbit

He likes the evening tv time


My bunny didn’t really shed this summer: anyone else had this experience?

Summer here is pretty much over and it never really got that hot for a sustained time. Plus my house is shaded by trees so stays cooler. The pic shows how much he shed today because we’re having a couple of Indian summer days but he had barely shed at all for the past couple weeks and even at the height of his shedding, it was only about twice as much hair as shown from peeing him for a couple minutes. Also his fur has already started getting thicker again— is this preparation for winter? Is he going to shed more before winter, or not? If it matters, this is his first seasonal cycle change as an adult. He was born in July 2022.


RIP, my sweet baby girl

My Peanut, whom I have loved for the last 8 months has left me today. Her new mom went on vacation, and Peanut got ahold of the air conditioning cord, chewed through it and got electrocuted. I rehomed her while having her best interests at heart.. and I know now that was the wrong decision. She was the sweetest, spunkiest, most gentle soul I have ever known. She had a hard life, but I find solace in thinking that the 7 months She spent with me were the best times of her life. Even though she wasn't Technically mine anymore, I will always love her and miss her because she was and always will be mine. Peanut, I'm so sorry this happened to you. You didn't deserve it. You deserved a happy, long life with me. I've failed you and I will live with that the rest of my life.


Lost bun at a construction site

Is it going to be okay?


Lego, our 3 year old mini-lop is battling E. Cuniculi…

And we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will defeat this nasty parasite...he is now on his fifth week of medication and has a good appetite and seems alert, but the vet is concerned about his head tilt so we are continuing the medication for at least another month… 💪


My rabbit

What does it mean when my rabbit lies down like this? He's new to the house, we have a huge dog and 2 cats. Does it mean he is 'chill' with everything?
