Is it possible for humans to spread Covid to animals?
I’m really sick, over a 100 degree fever. Sassy and Ginger are taking turns sitting on my lap like every night. I did a video call with a nurse practitioner and she saw Ginger on my lap but didn’t say anything about it. Going to the urgent care tomorrow to get tested. I’ve never tested positive for Covid. Maybe I got it but had no idea because every time I get a test it’s negative It’s common for me to get bronchitis in the winter or early spring but I’ve never been sick this time of year. I don’t want Sassy and Ginger to catch what I have.
Question for when a kitten is able to poop/pee on their own
So my situation is I have a female cat that has been going in and out my shop for the last 3 months. Three days ago she delivered one kitten and she has been taking care of it. My question is when a kitten is able to poop/pee on their own, does cat mom take her kitten outside to do its business? Or do I need a litterbox inside for the kitten? For context, The cat mom usually does her business outside my shop(it has sandy area outside), she has never poop or pee even once inside my shop, so I was wondering if the kitten will do the same or not.