Needing help with a name for her

Read also:

Sofa-King Purrfect


What’s wrong with my cat?

She’s 15. I keep my door cracked so she can come in or out on her own. Up until recently she would pull the door open to leave, but now she acts like she doesn’t know how to do that. She will jump about 2 feet to jump on the bed, but won’t jump 4 feet anymore to get her to her wet food. Could it just be attributed to old age or something more serious like dementia?


Kitten vs his Nemesis

To be fair, I did tell him to pick on someone his own size! 🫢😼


The eye of contempt.

Here's a close up of Honey's eye as she glares at a neighbors outdoor cat.


My cat is shaped weird


My boy likes to cuddle and will make biscuits while drooling. I though he would grow out of it but he's 4 now 🤷🏼


May Trigger some** loss of a beloved pet……….

(Leftpic)This is me at 8 years old with my Siamese cat… he’s about a year old in that photo.. I would snuggle with him every night and he would sleep in my arms till morning… my beautiful boy had a long happy life, and lived for 23 years- when he passed I was obviously grown and had moved out of my moms house- my brother called me and told me that Genghis was dying- I dropped everything and drove the hour drive to my parents- when I got there he was laying on the floor just barely breathing… I picked him up and cradled him like a baby… he look at me, meowed, then died in my arms… I honestly think he waited for me to let go.. I was his person, I was his pet. RIP my sweet boy. On the right is the last picture I took of him 🥹


You can see me?!


Show me pictures of your afternoon crew waiting around for dinner.


Cheddar Bay Biscuit Meowdel
