Termite or ant?

Probably gets asked a lot, sorry. Location is CA. My neighbors that I share a wall with have termites. Pest control said I don’t have termites but that my neighbor did. I’ve seen these little guys around sometimes. Probably flying ants but wanted to verify if possible.

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I was having a very bad night. And this guy turned it around. Have I been blessed?!

Colorado, US boots and snoots?!


I know the picture is INSANELY bad I didnt check it until after but if possible what kind of spider is this? big as a quarter, central America. seen 3 the past few weeks


What bug is this?


This landed in a tree right next to us today. In central Oregon area


Is this a brown recluse? It seemed huge for a BR


Wife found this on the toilet! Is worrying it’s tick/ bed bugs. Any idea?


What spider is this, sorry for those disturbed by dead spiders. But I am disturbed more by living ones. Area South Africa Gauteng Pretoria North outskirts, I live on small farm.


What is this? Found near Seattle, WA


Who is this fella? Found him on my route at work. I'm in Ohio.


what is this in my kitchen?? it flies and i only see them at night. long island ny
