Is this a fruit fly or a drain fly?

No matter how much i open the window, take my trash out, and clean my sink, these guys still somehow fly around my unit. Tried the vinegar and dishsoap trick they dont seem to really care for it. Tips on how to remove them would be appreciated!

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What is this shimmery ant(?) found in North Carolina

Much bigger than an ant, probably about an inch long. It almost looks like it has fur on it that glistened in the sun


Silver small and quick bug on bed?

Took as good of a picture as I can, should I be super concerned?


What kind of spider is this? (Found in Michigan)



Are these fleas? They were found on my dogs. 2 weeks after flea treatment. The dogs are super itchy still and I don’t know what else to do. I’ve cleaned everything and sprayed their beds and used the treatment from the vet on the dogs.


Biggest spider I’ve seen in my house before


Is this a bug hole? If so, what bug? Looked like worm castings the other day, but it changed


What is in my bathroom?


Weird and long fella crawling up the wall

About 2.5” long. Walking with a little bit of a wiggle. What is it?


what is this

what are these flies?


What is this bug swimming through a pool of bug spray?
