My folks often randomly send me messages about vaccinations. I was encouraging them to vaccinate my little brother so he can go to high school

Read also:

What my mom posted on her story on Facebook

I just got Facebook back after over a year off everything. My mom wanted to add me and I knew she had racist and homophobic thangs all over her page, but I knew she’d throw a fit and hit me or take my phone. After adding her back I ignored everything she posts cus almost all of it is dumb like this. I love her cus she’s my mom but seeing this hurts me. Knowing my mom will never love me if she knew a part of me kills me inside. Just last night I was talking to my bff (my boyfriend) and she got so mad at me cus he “sounds gay” she smacked me. I’ve had ass beatings before. But she just palmed slaped me cus someone I was talking to sounded gay to her. Please yall help


Found on Facebook


Can't lose either way


Where to buy super big litter pans? (pic is for tax)

I have two large rabbits (8lb and 11lb) and they are finally getting bonded. So next step is get a litter pan big enough for both of them! Please suggest.


Cheese found a console he likes




Trump isn't the only presidential candidate to have his mugshot taken.


My personal modernish president tier list.

Joe Biden isn’t included but I’d put him at B tier.


Am I the only one who thinks this portrait of JFK looking down is overrated


Jimmy carter on the Iraq war

Jimmy carter the only ex president to oppose the Iraq War and carter administration didn't invade any country and coup any government and was trying fighting the Military industrial complex
