Help from an iPhone Wiz!!!!
I collect Basketball Cards and I am selling a bunch of them so I have been taking pictures with an app (specifically for sports cards - called NextGem…you will see it on the top of my apps in the pic)then sending them to photos to edit them and then transferring them to my DropBox on my laptop so I can get them labeled and placed correctly.
I have been deleting every picture that I take and then deleting my deleted pics. Now every time I try to take another picture it tells me my phone storage is full and that I can’t take any more pictures until I free up space. I got on YouTube last night and watched a few videos on how to clear up all kinds of space from different areas. I did everything and cleared out so much stuff but it doesn’t seem like it’s made a difference.
Here is a pic of my storage, please help me figure out what to do. I’m lost…I’ve done everything I can think of.