We did a DNA test on our fluffy imp. I was pleasantly surprised by the results!

Read also:

Do “kitty diapers” work?

This is my 16 year old buddy, Charles. Charles grew up as a clinic cat in an animal hospital for the first two years of his life. He came to live with me because he started peeing all over the clinic (I helped raise him as I worked there). He still urinates occasionally, and somewhat recently he messed on a $10,000 Persian rug. I’ve had him confined to my bedroom ever since as he refuses to urinate in there, but he seems so lonely. I’m considering diapers but cats are slippery buggers and I was just curious if they’d work. Do any of you have experience with diapers?


Can’t come up with a suitable name for her. Give me your best!


Cat covered in vegetable oil pls help (how do I get it out without another bath?)

She got stuck in a fly sticky trap and I guess freaked out and got it alllllll over her and I had to literally dump oil on her to get it off, she’s a trooper and just stood there took it like a champ but is there another way to get it out without a bath?


Help with cats howling all night and not letting us sleep.

My two cats are going to be 16 in November. They are sisters and are generally in really good health. Nenya takes medication for hyperthyroidism and an antiinflammatory. Vilya is in good shape and they're both a little playful when in the mood, eat well, and don't have trouble getting around. The problem is they've taken to howling all night. First it was Nenya, who has always slept with me walking up with a loud meow every time.i shift in my sleep. Now Vilya has taken to howling at the bottom of the stairs with those, deep, booming, heart wrenching gowns then she runs upstairs howling and it takes a while to get her to stop. If we close the door they both howl outside the door. We don't have anywhere in the house to lock them up for the night. Their vet has recommended various drug treatments for arthritis and other ills, but they've come to nothing, blood work is fine and the cats just get more persistent in their howling. We haven't slept through the night in weeks. Any suggestions from cat lovers out there for a pair of old kitties who have gotten louder?


smell mouth


Here's a better picture for the people who said my cat was fat. I got downvoted for saying he wasn't.


Bart investigates the halloween decorations!

I was putting up the autumnal decorations and found these cute lil witches in the closet, so affixed the cat witch to the random picture hook that my landlord had in the wall by the cat tree!


Adopted this little lady last month. She's a delight


My GFs cat may be an asshole, but he is a cute one!


anyone else have a sink cat?

We finally moved the foster cat to our bedroom because she was ready for a bigger space and he’s finally taken back his position of sink manager.
