2 Months into Golf. 22 y.o. athletic male. Play about 3 times a week. Any advice you wish you had starting out would be greatly appreciated!

Read also:

Been nervous about playing golf outdoors, but this 18 on the sim today has ignited my confidence!


Golf Club ID, has atlantic marine engraved on the face


When you find bolt cutters in the rough, instead of your ball


I thought my driver's cover needed something extra.


What’s the play? Trying not to go to prison for killing an endangered species, but I have been topping it all day…

Not sure what kind of bird this is but they look cool and are directly between me and the flag 😅. You can see GF’s ball is safe just beyond the birds. My ball (mostly the birds) are definitely not safe.


How’s your golf?


Picked this bad boy up for €125 at my local golf shop, used.


Hit my best score ever today!

After starting the year in the 130/140 range I've managed to riggle down to a 106 after hitting 118 last week. Not a bad Thursday evening!


Looked after a friends cat couple days ago, didn't bother mentioning to me she had fleas. Woke up to these crawling on me today.


Excellent question
